Tuesday 26 March 2019

More about Molars and Wisdom Teeth!

Cheap Wisdom Teeth Removal Sydney
Molars are the flat teeth that are situated at the back of the mouth. These teeth vary in shape and size however are the largest in the mouth. Molars are used to grind food into smaller pieces for swallowing whereas, the smaller front teeth are used for biting and tearing food. The molars are designed in such a way they sustain good amount of force from grinding, clenching and chewing food. Each molar is anchored firmly to the jawbone with two to four roots.

What are the different types of molars we have?

There are three different types of molars which come in after we lose our baby teeth.

•    First molars

•    Second molars

•    Third molars or the wisdom teeth

Why do humans have wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth were vestiges from the evolutionary past when human beings had a larger mouth accommodating these additional teeth. These extra set of teeth help in cutting especially hard foods like nuts, roots and tough meats.

These types of diets were tough on teeth and hence help our ancestors whose teeth were subject to significant loss due to tooth decay. In the current era, our foods are for soft, and we follow good dental care routine. But we still get those extra teeth late in our teens. However, due to different reasons, we undergo cheap wisdom teeth removal Sydney.

What are the problems with wisdom teeth?

Evolution has made some adjustments to our jawbone size throughout our history. The jaws of modern human beings are smaller when compared to their ancestors. This presents a range of problems when wisdom teeth try to erupt in.

When wisdom teeth develop, often they become blocked by other teeth, and hence they grow under the jaw referred to as being impacted. If the wisdom tooth erupts partially, it tends to create hard to reach area where bacteria can accumulate resulting in severe infections of the surrounding tissues and gums. When wisdom teeth remain fully impacted under the gum line, they may form cyst or tumour that can damage the jawbone and teeth if left unaddressed.

Hence most people undergo wisdom teeth removal to prevent themselves from the potential problems which may arise.

How much does wisdom teeth removal cost?

Cost of wisdom teeth removal is highly affordable. The cost you will pay for your surgery completely depends on your specific case, your jaw bone density, age, number of teeth removed.

It is recommended that wisdom teeth surgery is performed during young age even before the roots develop completely for easy removal and fast recovery.

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Importance of Mouth and jaw Exercise after Wisdom Teeth Removal

cost of Wisdom Teeth Removal in Sydney
Aside the wisdom teeth removal cost Sydney, the most common question that strikes the mind of the patient more often is “How Long Does the Patient Wait to Exercise after Getting through Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery?”  This article will reveal the answer to this question.

After getting wisdom teeth removal, it’s better to start exercising even from the next day itself, shocking, right? Yeah, it’s good if you start practicing mouth and jaw exercise. These exercises not only help you reduce the pain but also speed up the recovery process.

In this article, we are going to discuss few of the important types of mouth and jaw exercises to perform after undergoing wisdom teeth removal surgery.

Opening and Closing Your Mouth Slowly 

The day after the procedure you will notice that your muscles will be more swollen and harder to move. This may especially feel more obviously early in the morning, since your mouth hasn’t moved overnight. By practicing the mouth and jaw exercise gradually, you will be able to open your mouth to speak or eat easily.

Goldfish Exercise for Partial Opening

Keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth and one finger in front of your ear where your TMJ is located. Put your pointer finger on your chin and drop your lower jaw and then close. Practice this 5-6 times a day. There should be mild resistance but not pain.

Chin Tucks

This TMJ exercise also works well for reducing pain and numbness in the surgery area. Pull your chin straight back, creating “a double chin” and hold this for three seconds and repeat for nearly 10 times.

Stretching Exercise

Perform the below mentioned stretching exercise as much as possible without causing yourself discomfort. To do this stretching exercise, try the below steps:

With your teeth slightly apart, slowly open your mouth as wide as you can while looking up with your eyes. Hold your mouth for few seconds say 10 seconds and then slowly close it.

After that, move your jaw to the left side while looking to your right side with your eyes. Make sure not to turn your heads or neck. Hold this position for few seconds and then move back to the center. Repeat the same process for the right side too.

How fast is Your Recovery Time?

There is no short straight answer for this question, because it entirely depends on your age, how well your dentist has handled the surgery and what types of post-operative care you’ve taken.

Looking for helpful tips on wisdom teeth removal, the cost of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney etc.? Stay tuned with The Wisdom Teeth Professionals!

Tuesday 16 January 2018

Reveal the Power of Wisdom Teeth Pain Relief Tips

wisdom teeth removal in Sydney
Wisdom teeth pain is such as uncomfortable feeling that even a tiny amount of it is enough to ruin every enjoyment. Recent studies shown “impacted wisdom teeth can result in a host of following issues, such as infections and even cysts”; so it’s important to talk to nearby specialist of wisdom teeth removal Sydney when your wisdom teeth do come in.

Suffering from wisdom teeth pain? Your oral surgeon is little bit busy now and scheduled your appointment by next week? To reduce your pain, here we have provided you with some home remedies that will alleviate your pain until your appointment.     

Ice Chips: Apply ice chips to the painful wisdom teeth to help numb the pain and reduce swelling.

Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers: Make sure that you are taking over the counter pain relievers subscribed by your dentist. These pain killers can temporarily ease the discomfort of the pain associated with the wisdom teeth.

Salt Water: Prepare a mixture of eight ounces of water with two teaspoons of salt and rinse your mouth using this solution. This will help you dislodge food particles and kills bacteria/germs which could be causing painful infection.

Cloves: From the Ancient times itself, it has been stated that cloves has the power to relieve wisdom teeth pain. If you are using a whole clove, just follow the below steps:

•    Place on clove over the pain causing wisdom teeth

•    Hold it firmly by closing your jaw, without chewing

•    Leave for few more minutes and then spit it out.

In case, if you’re using clove oil means,

•    Put few drops of clove oil in the cotton balls

•    Place that cotton ball over the pain causing wisdom teeth

•    Hold the cotton ball until the pain reduces and then take it out

Repeat this treatment several times per day as needed

Onion: Recent study has also shown that onions have anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties. They can help reduce swelling and fight bacterial infections. To use onion as a home remedy, you should follow the below tips:

•    Cut off a piece of onion

•    Chew the onion on the side of the mouth where you have wisdom teeth pain

•    Keep on chewing the onion for 5-10 minutes (until the pain reduces) and spit it out

The juice from the onion goes into your gums and reduces bacteria inflammation.

How to Avoid Wisdom Teeth Pain?

Once your wisdom teeth starts erupting, you can start practicing few of the important oral hygienic tips to reduce the likelihood of getting more chance of gum diseases.

Wrapping Up,

While all these remedies mentioned in this blog have been proven to reduce pain, they are only pacifiers. So for getting long term relief, it’s always recommended to contact the specialist of wisdom teeth removal in Sydney.

More about Molars and Wisdom Teeth!

Molars are the flat teeth that are situated at the back of the mouth. These teeth vary in shape and size however are the largest in the...